
Robert R. Carkhuff, Ph.D., is a world renowned social scientist who has been generating “The Science of Human Generativity” for more than five decades. Best known historically as the father of “The Science of Human Relating,” Carkhuff and Bernard G. Berenson, Ph.D., generated The New Science of Possibilities (HRD Press, 2000), which opened the doors to human and information generativity in the 21st century. Among more than 100 publications produced by Carkhuff, his early works, Helping and Human Relations, (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969) and The Development of Human Resources (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971) are still considered classics. The Art of Helping (HRD Press, now in its 9th edition, 2009) has sold more than one million copies and has been translated into numerous languages.

According to Garfield (Institute for Scientific Information, 1978), Carkhuff was one of the most-cited social scientists in the 20th century. According to Haggbloom and others (2002),* he is listed among “the 100 most quoted psychologists in journals (54)”. In his words, Carkhuff is “reinforced by these peer reviews and is ‘humbled’ by the names of the scholars whom he considers to be his mentors: Clark L. Hull (73); O. Hobart Mowrer (77); B.R. Bugelski (100+). “To paraphrase Newton,” Carkhuff says, “I have built upon the brainpower of giants.” **



* Haggbloom, S.J. et al. “The 100 Most Eminent Psychologists in the 20th Century,” Review of General Psychology, 2002, 6(2) pp. 139-152.

** See GoogleScholar.com re: “Carkhuff”


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